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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#10]] An embryo for the Nibelung Forging Motif #41


“Alberich: Might this fist catch even one!


(He finally stops, foaming with rage … , and shakes his clenched fist up at the girls: [[ #10 ]] He remains where he is, speechless with rage, his gaze directed upwards where it is suddenly attracted and held by the following spectacle. [[ #12 ]] An increasingly bright glow penetrates the floodwaters from above, flaring up as it strikes a point high up on the central rock and gradually becoming a blinding and brightly beaming gleam of gold; [[ #11 ]] a magical golden light streams through the water from this point).


Woglinde: Look, sisters! The wakening sun smiles into the deep. (#12)


Wellgunde: Through the green billows she greets the glad sleeper. (#12)


Flosshilde: Now she kisses his eyelid that it may open. (#12)


Wellgunde: See how he smiles in the gleaming light.


Woglinde: Through the floodtide flows its glittering ray.”



[[#11]] Light shimmers underwater as the Rhinegold is brightened by the sun

One of Cooke’s Motions of Nature

(#11 related to #14, #38, and #175)

[see #10 for #12's dramatic context]


[[#12]] “The Rhinegold" The stuff of Nature, distilled and lit by the sunlight of conscious thought

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