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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#94]] Wotan’s intent to punish Bruennhilde by putting her to sleep, defenseless, for any man to wake and win her as his bride

Since Bruennhilde is Wotan’s repository for Wotan’s unspoken secret, which he confessed to her, he has placed her at risk of exposing his secret hoard of knowledge to the man who wakes and wins Bruennhilde, and thus falls heir to Wotan’s hoard of runes.

(#94’s motival links, if any, not yet ascertained)

“Wotan: No more shall you go forth from Valhalla, (#88 Varis [including the urgent #88 Vari which accompanied Siegmund’s defiance of the fate Wotan had chosen for him, and Bruennhilde had announced to him] no more show you heroes to add to the slain; (#88) No victors you’ll guide again to my hall: nevermore at the gods’ friendly feast (#88) will you lovingly hand me the drinking-horn; nevermore shall I fawn on your childlike mouth. From the gods’ own host you’re now cut off, cast out from the kin of immortals; our bond is broken: (#21) You’re banished from my sight! (#21)


The Eight Valkyries: (Abandoning their former position in their consternation and moving somewhat further down the cliff.) (#5?) Alas! (#5 Vari) Sister, ah sister!


Bruennhilde: Will you take away all that you ever gave me?


Wotan: He who subdues you will take it away! (#5 Vari; [[ #96a Embryo ]] Here on the mountain I’ll lay you under a spell: [[ #94 ]] In shelterless sleep I’ll shut you fast; (#21 Vari [in Triplets]) The maiden shall fall to the man (#21) who stumbles upon her and wakes her.


The Eight Valkyries: (Coming right down from the cliff and, in anxious groups, surrounding Bruennhilde, who lies half-kneeling in front of Wotan) [[ #95 ]] Stop, o father, stay the curse! (#88) Is the maiden to fade and grow wan with a man? Hear our entreaty! You terrible god, avert this flagrant disgrace: such shame we should surely share with our sister! (#83?)


Wotan: [[ #144 Hint ]] Did you not hear what I decreed? (#21) From your host shall your faithless sister be sundered, (#21) with you she shall nevermore fly through the air on her steed; (#21; #87 Drum Accompaniment; [[ #96a Voc Embryo ]]; [[ #94 Harmony ]] the maid’s maidenly flower will fade; a husband will win her woman’s favours; (#47 or #82 Free Vari Cellos; #5; [[ #94 Harmony ]]) Henceforth she’ll obey the high-handed man; (#21) she’ll sit by the hearth and spin, (#21 Vari in Minor), the butt and plaything of all who despise her.


(#77; #81: Bruennhilde sinks to the ground with a cry. Appalled, the Valkyries shrink from her side with a violent clatter of arms: #81; #87)”

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