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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#109]] Siegfried reconnects with his heroic Waelsung heritage through the pieces of Siegmund’s broken sword, Nothung

Wotan’s broken sword Nothung (formerly wielded by Siegmund) represents the “well-hewn causeway” laid down by all past heroes of religio-artistic endeavor, Siegfried’s heritage as an artist-hero, from which Mime – representative of established society, which is predicated on fear - has hidden from Siegfried.

(#109 is a compound motif comprised of #57 and #103, thus conceptually linking Siegfried – Siegfried’s Youthful Horncall #103 – with Wotan’s Grand Idea for Redemption and Siegmund’s sword Nothung, both represented by #57ab; see #57 and #103 for motival links)

[Having forced Mime to confess that Mime was merely posing as Siegfried’s parents, and that his true parents were Sieglinde (who died giving Siegfried birth) and her husband (Mime claims Sieglinde never told him Siegfried’s father’s name), Siegfried insists on proof:]

“Siegfried: (#106 Varis) If I’m to believe your story, and if you haven’t lied to me, then let me see some proof!


Mime: What else would prove it to you?


Siegfried: I won’t believe you with my ears, but only with my eyes: what evidence bears you witness?


Mime: (#101; #57ab; #41: reflecting for a moment, then fetching the two pieces of a broken sword) Your mother gave me this, (#57/#41 fragment) for trouble, board, and care, she left it as paltry payment. See here, a shattered sword! Your father, she said, had borne it when he fell in his final fight. [[ #109 ]]

Siegfried: (enthusiastically: #103 end fragments) and these fragments you shall forge for me: then I’ll wield my rightful sword! (#104>>>) Come on now, Mime, bestir yourself and be quick about it; if there’s aught you’re good at, then show me your art [“Kunst”]! Don’t try to trick me with worthless trinkets: (#57 Vari/#104>>>) In those shards alone do I place any trust. (…)


Mime: (anxiously) What would you do with the sword today?


Siegfried: [[ #110 >> ]]/#104 fragment) Go forth from the forest into the world: I’ll never-more return. [[ #110 ]]/#104 fragment) How glad I am to have gained my freedom, nothing binds or constrains me! (#104 >>) You’re not my father, my home’s far away; your hearth’s not my house, nor my roof your shelter: [[ #110 ]] fleet as the fish as it swims in the floodtide, free as the finch as it soars aloft, [[ #111 ]]

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