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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#125]] Siegfried has re-forged the sword Nothung: Nothung triumphant

(#125’s motival links, if any, not yet ascertained; Wagner employed #125 in his Siegfried Idyll.)

“Siegfried: (#124>>) Though once in twain I forced you together, no blow shall ever break you again.


Mime: (#123/#124/#41) For him [Mime] shall others mine the eternal treasure.


Siegfried: (#124>>) The steel sprang apart in the hands of my dying father; his living son (#123) has made it anew: on him its brilliant sheen now shines, for him its keen-edged blade cuts cleanly.


Mime: (#41 shortened >>) Mime the valiant, Mime is king, (#123>>) prince of the elves, lord of the universe!


Siegfried: (brandishing the sword in front of him: #119) Nothung! Nothung! Fearsome sword! (#57 or #109?) I’ve wakened you to life again. You lay there, dead, in ruins; [[ #125 ]] now you glisten defiant and glorious. [[ #125 ]]

Mime: Hey, Mime, how did you manage! Whoever would have thought it?


Siegfried: To felons show your shining blade! [[ #125 ]] Slay him who is false (#120) and fell the offender! (#103 Fragment) See, Mime, you smith: (he raises the sword to strike a blow: #57) thus severs Siegfried’s sword!


(#103/#109/#57 varis: He strikes the anvil, which splits from top to bottom and falls apart with a loud crash. Mime, who has climbed on to a stool in his delight, falls to the ground in terror, landing in a sitting position. Siegfried holds the sword aloft. The curtain falls.)”



[[#126ab]] Existential Fear (Fafner) – the basis of religious faith and social stability

Fear is the ground of the social contract, religious faith and tradition: it is the basis for man’s desire for property, possessions, security, freedom from care, social stability and quiet, knowledge and power which insures our survival,

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