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The Ring of the Nibelung
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Siegfried: (#33b/#77) I’ll bring back Bruennhilde for you.


Gunther: How do you plan to deceive her? (#33ab)


Siegfried: (#33ab; #42?) Through the Tarnhelm’s disguise I’ll change my shape with yours.


Gunther: Swear oaths, then, as a vow.


Siegfried: [[ #157 ]] Let an oath be sworn to blood-brotherhood.


(#51: Hagen fills a drinking horn with new wine and offers it to Siegfried and Gunther, who scratch their arms with their swords and hold them for a moment over the top of the horn. #151/#152; #151; #21: Both men place two fingers on the horn, which Hagen continues to hold between them)


Siegfried: [[ #158>> ]] The freshening blood of flowering life I let trickle into the drink. (#151/#33ab)


Gunther: [[ #158>> ]] Bravely blended in brotherly love, may our lifeblood bloom in the drink! (#151/#33ab)


Siegfried and Gunther: [[ #160 ]] Faith I drink to my friend! (#155b vari) (#111 Vari) Happy [“froh”] and free [“frei”] may blood-brotherhood [[ #157 ]] spring from our bond today! (#21/#151)


Gunther: [[ #159 ]] If a brother breaks the bond –


Siegfried: [[ #159 ]] If a friend betrays his faithful friend –


Both: [[ #160 ]] what we drank today in drops of sweetness shall stream in rivers, in righteous atonement of a friend.


Gunther: (#51/#21: drinking and then offering the horn to Siegfried) Thus do I swear the oath!


Siegfried: Thus – (he drinks and hands the empty drinking horn to Hagen) do I pledge my faith to you!


(Hagen strikes the horn in two with his sword. #51/#21; #155; #153; #156: Gunther and Siegfried join hands.)”



[[#158]] Siegfried’s and Gunther’s life-blood mixes in the bowl from which they drink.

Siegfried, by granting the unheroic Gunther, Siegfried’s own audience, access

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