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The Ring of the Nibelung
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womb, or her naming of Siegfried, of Sieglinde’s praise of Bruennhilde?]) which ward him now from wounds.


Hagen: (#173 Vari) And so no weapon can harm him? (#167)


Bruennhilde: In battle, no! (#50? [didn’t Dunning mean #150?]) But – if you struck him in the back. [[ (#@: D or E?) Definitive Motif of Bruennhilde’s Protection of Siegfried From the Unhealing Wound of Foresight: #15 Vari/#150 Vari ]] Never, I knew, (#92) would he yield to a foe, (#92; #15 Vari) never, fleeing, present his back; (#57) [[ (#@: D of E?) Definitive Motif of Bruennhilde’s Protection of Siegfried From the Unhealing Wound of Foresight: #150 Vari/#15 Vari ]] and so I spared it the spell’s protection. (#141 Fragment; #150 Vari)


Hagen: (#5 or #151a?; #164; #34 or #33b?) And there my spear shall strike him!”



[[#174abc]] The Rhinedaughters’ second lament for the lost Rhinegold: they sing of their longing to restore a sacred past, an innocence long gone, and hope the hero Siegfried will restore what they have lost

(#174abc is a loose inversion of Woglinde’s Lullaby #4, to which she introduced the first words of the Ring: #4 was Wagner’s Ur-melody, or Mother-Melody; #4 is the basis for the Woodbirdsongs #128ab and #129ab; as a pentatonic primal melody #174 is related to #98)

Prelude: (#103, #103, #? [A twisting figure reminiscent of one heard in S.2.2 when Siegfried inadvertently woke Fafner by playing his horn in order to find a boon companion, after failing in his attempt to imitate the Woodbird’s tune with his home-made flute; #170a; #171; #170a, #171; #103; #1 Canon; #15/#3 Vari; #171/#12; #12; #103; #12?; [[ #174c ]]; [[#174abc ]]/[[#175 Fragment ]]: The curtain rises. A wild, wooded, and rocky valley along the Rhine, which flows past a steep cliff at the back of the stage. The Three Rhinedaughters - Woglinde, Wellgunde, and Flosshilde – swim to the surface and swim round in a circle, as if performing a dance.)

The Three Rhinedaughters: (pausing briefly in their swimming: [[ #174b ]] The Sun-Goddess sends her [[ #175 ]] bright-shining beams; (#33b or #97?) night lies in the depths: (#12 frag) once it was light when, [[ #175 ]] safe and hallowed, our father’s gold (#12) still gleamed there. Rhinegold, radiant gold! (#54?) How brightly you used to shine, [[ #174c ]] you hallowed star of the deep. [[ #174abc ]]: They resume their aquatic dance.) [[ #174b ]] Weialala [[ #174c ]] leia, [[ #175 ]] wallala weialala! (#103 frag: distant horncall; [[ #175 ]]; #33b?: they listen, then beat the water in jubilation: [[ #175>> ]] O Sun-Goddess, send us the hero who may give us back the gold! (#12) If he left it with us, [[ #175 ]] your bright-shining eye we’d then

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