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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[27F-TDI: p. 197]

[P. 197] “ ‘What Are God and Religion Presently?’:


For these gentlemen, religion is a life insurance company;

Even sacrifice relates to one’s own good … .” [27F-TDI: p. 197]


[28F-TDI: p. 200]

“ ‘Of Life and Death’:


Only transitoriness grants magical charm

To human life, for she is queen of the world.” [28F-TDI: p. 200]


[29F-TDI: p. 210-211]

[P. 210] “ ‘Pars pro toto’: [i.e., taking the part for the whole]


… if someone … shows [“… mystics and rationalists … “] that the human really has a brain –

An organ that raises him to the gods,

That is not destined for service to a self-oriented life,

But ascends on high to truth alone –

And if he shows them that the brain is an organ that reaches down

To the great mystery of productive nature, even to the ground of creativity,

That it sinks humanity into the depths of everlasting unity,

[P. 211] Even to the ecstatic loss of the miserable self,

They insult him as a pan-a-theist, an antichrist, and a perverter

Of all morality, just because he manifests reality.




“ ‘An Appendix for Ingenia tarda’: [slow minds]


Both [the mystic and the rationalist] cling to the surface of essence,

In which they see only themselves;

Only the deeper reality, which obliterates their picture,

Manifests essence and substance; thus the self fears the depths.” [29F-TDI: p. 210-211]


[30F-TDI: p. 214]

“ ‘The Conscientious Historian Speaks to the Conscience’:


“… the task of modern times was to prepare

For a final reconciliation of Spirit with nature.” [30F-TDI: p. 214]


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