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The Ring of the Nibelung
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place, at his eventual death, for the worship of an abstract God who, in melancholy joy of immortality, wandered aimlessly between the splendid works of statuary and architecture which decked the burying-place of this departed Man. Thenceforth God ruled the world, -- God, who had made all Nature for the glory of his name. From that time forward, man’s affairs are governed by the ‘incomprehensible will’ of God; no longer by the instinct and necessity of Nature … .” [449W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 255]


[450W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 258-259]

[P. 258] {FEUER} “The Greek, proceeding from the bosom of Nature, attained to Art when he had made himself independent of the immediate influence of Nature: we, violently debarred from Nature, and proceeding from the drillground of a [P. 259] heaven-rid and juristic Civilisation, shall first reach Art when we completely turn our backs on such a civilisation and once more cast ourselves, with conscious bent, into the arms of Nature.” [450W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 258-259]


[451W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 260]

[P. 260] {FEUER} “Into this solitary man, existing at last in naught but the idea, -- this man in whom, amid the physical lack of all community of the species, the essence of the sheer personality was represented as the essence of the species, -- the People’s Christianity instilled the lifebreath of passionate heart’s-desire. The error of the philosopher became the madness of the masses. This frenzy’s scene of action is the Middle Ages: on it we see the Nature-sundered man – taking his personal, egoistic, and therefore impotent being for the essence of the human species – with greed and haste, by physical and moral mutilation, hunt after his redemption into God; under whose image, by an instinctive error, he expressed the idea of the in truth consummate essence of the human race and Nature.” [451W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 260]


[452W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 263]

[P. 263] {FEUER} “ The mediator between Power and Freedom, the redeemer without whom Power remains but violence, and Freedom but caprice, is therefore – Love; yet not that revelation from above, imposed on us by precept and command, -- and therefore never realised, -- like the Christian’s: but that Love which issues from the Power of true and undistorted human nature; which in its origin is nothing other than the liveliest utterance of this nature, that proclaims itself in pure delight of physical existence and, starting from marital love, strides forward through the love for children, friends and brothers, right on to love for Universal Man. This Love is thus the wellspring of all true Art, for through it alone can the natural flower of Beauty bloom from Life.” [452W-{2/50} Art and Climate: PW Vol. I, p. 263]


[453W-{3/50} Wieland the Smith: PW Vol. I, p. 225]

[P. 225] {anti-FEUER} Wieland: ‘The Gold? – That will I truly tell thee. Thou know’st that once the Gods were robbed of fair Iduna, her who gave them youth eternal so long as e’er she tarried with them. Then aged grew the Gods, their beauty faded, and Odur quitted Freia’s side, since now no more her charm could bind him. The Gods re-won Iduna; with her their youth and beauty came

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