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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[787W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 112]

[P. 112] {SCHOP} {FEUER} “ … we know that it is not the verses of a text-writer, and were he a Goethe or Schiller, that can determine Music. Drama alone can do that; and not the dramatic poem, but the drama that moves before our very eyes, the visible counterpart of Music, where word and speech belong no more to the poet’s thought, but solely to the action.” [787W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 112]


[788W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 116]

[P. 116] {FEUER} “If we would conjure up a paradise of the human spirit’s productivity, we must transfer ourselves to the days before the invention of Writing and its preservation on parchment or paper. We cannot but hold that here was born the whole of that Culture which now maintains a halting life as mere object of study or useful adaptation. Here Poesis was nothing other than the actual invention of Myths, i.e. of ideal occurrences in which the various characteristics of the life of man were mirrored with an objective reality like to that of ghostly apparitions. This faculty we see innate in every Folk of noble blood, down to the point when the use of written letters reached it. From then it loses its poetic force; Speech, theretofore in a living flux of natural evolution, now falls into the crystallising stage and stiffens; Poetry becomes the art of decking out the ancient myths, no longer to be new-invented, and ends in Rhetoric and Dialectics.” [788W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 116]


[789W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 120]

[P. 120] [Wagner speaks of:] “ … the foundering of our civilisation; an event to be conceived if all History went by the board as result, let us say, of social Communism imposing itself on the modern world in the guise of a practical religion.” [789W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 120]


[790W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 120]

[P. 120] {FEUER} “Far as our eye can roam, the Mode commands us. – But coevally with this world of Mode another world has risen for us. As Christianity stepped forth amid the Roman civilisation of the universe, so Music breaks forth from the chaos of modern civilisation. Both say aloud: ‘our kingdom is not of this world.’ And that means: we come from within, ye from without; we spring from the Essence of things, ye from their Show.” [790W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 120]


[791W-{9-12/70} Beethoven: PW Vol. V, p. 121; p. 123]

[P. 121] {SCHOP} {anti-FEUER} “Everywhere we see the inner law, only conceivable as sprung from the spirit of Music, prescribe the outer law that regulates the world of sight: the genuine ancient Doric State which Plato tried to rescue for philosophy, nay, the order of war, the fight itself, the laws of Music led as surely as the dance. – But that paradise was lost: the fount of motion of a world ran dry. Like a ball once thrown, the world span round the curve of its trajectory, but no longer was it driven by a moving soul; and so its very motion must grow faint at last, until the world-soul has been waked again.

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