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The Ring of the Nibelung
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to me at least – makes it inconceivable as theme of a Symphonic movement, albeit it still is governed by the laws of harmony and thematism, though purely in their application to the Drama. To attempt to apply the results of such a method to the Symphony, however, must lead to the latter’s utter ruin; for here would appear as a far-fetched effect what follows there from well-found motives.” [991W-{10/79}On the Application of Music to the Drama: PW Vol. VI, p. 187-188]


[992W-{10/19/79}Letter to Franz Overbeck: SLRW, p. 897-898]

[P. 897] {anti-FEUER/NIET} “ How could I ever forget this friend of mine[Nietzsche] who was driven from me so forcefully? Although I [P. 898] constantly had the feeling that, at the time of his association with me, Nietzsche’s life was ruled by a mental spasm, and although it was bound to strike me as odd that this spasm could have produced so spiritually radiant and heart-warming a fire as was manifest in him to the astonishment of all, and although, finally, the ultimate decision which he reached in the inner development of his life filled me with the utmost horror when I saw how intolerable a pressure that spasm was finally causing him – I must no doubt also admit that in the case of so powerful a psychic process it is simply not possible to argue along moral lines and that one’s only response can be a shocked silence.

{anti-FEUER/NIET} It saddens me, however, to be so completely excludedfrom any part in Nietzsche’s life and difficulties. Would it be indiscreet of me to ask you to send me news of our friend? It was particularly anxious to beg this favour of you.” [992W-{10/19/79}Letter to Franz Overbeck: SLRW, p. 897-898]


[993W-{11/14/79}CD Vol. II, p. 395]

[P. 395] {FEUER} “At lunch a recollection of Aeschylus’s chorus (the female hare and the eagle) causes him to remark on the nobility of this outlook, and he feels it was things like this that might have led to accusations of blasphemy against Aeschylus, this connection between holiness and Nature was probably at the bottom of the Eleusinian mysteries.” [993W-{11/14/79}CD Vol. II, p. 395]


[994W-{11/14/79}CD Vol. II, p. 395]

[P. 395] {FEUER} “In our times, R. continues, religion should seek to influence ethics, and allow faith to be represented by art, which can transform illusion into truth.” [994W-{11/14/79}CD Vol. II, p. 395]

[995W-{11/17/79}CD Vol. II, p. 397-398]

[P. 397] {anti-FEUER/NIET} “He also talks at lunch about the study of history in childhood and where one should begin … . He thinks, from the beginning of mankind, the first migrations and the return to the region of the Ganges, then the figures of Semiramis, Cyrus, in order to arrive at the Greeks; and this without questioning the legendary parts, for what human beings [P. 398] have themselves thought out and imagined is more important than what really happened.” [995W-{11/17/79}CD Vol. II, p. 397-398]

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