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Siegfried: Page 468
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(He offers Siegfried some food; without turning round, the latter knocks the pot and roast meat out of Mime’s hands: #104)


Siegfried: (#104:) I’ve roasted meat for myself: slurp your slops alone (:#104)!


Mime: (in a pitifully screeching voice: #41 duple:; #102 chromatic vari:) That’s the sorry wages of love! That’s the shameful reward for my cares (:#41 duple; :#102 chromatic vari)! (#102 hint:; [[ #105>>: ]] From a suckling babe I brought you up, warmed the little mite with clothes: food and drink I brought to you (:#102 hint?) and tended you like a second self [“eig’ne Haut”]. And when you grew bigger I waited upon you; I made you a bed so you’d sleep more softly. I forged you toys and a winding horn (#103); (#41 duple vari>>:) to give you pleasure I gladly toiled: with clever counsel I counseled you cleverly, with lucid lore I taught you wit. While, toiling and sweating, I sit at home, you roam around to your heart’s content: (#41 duple >>:; #5 hint >>:) suffering torment for you alone, for you alone I suffer affliction and wear myself out, a poor old dwarf (:#105)! and that’s my reward for the burdens I’ve borne, that the quick-tempered boy torments (sobbing) and abhors me!


(#102 hint over #41 duple >>: Siegfried has turned round and looks calmly and questioningly into Mime’s eyes. Mime encounters Siegfried’s gaze and timidly tries to avert his eyes.)

Siegfried: (#104 vari >>>:; #?: – [music conveying a “Nature” mood, as heard before when Mime first said Siegfried should be grateful to Mime]) Much, Mime, have you taught me and much from you have I learned; but what you most wanted to teach me, I never managed to learn (:#Nature mood music?): how I could ever abide you. (#104:; #105 vari over #41 duple:) Although you may bring me food and drink (#104), I’m fed by my loathing [“Ekel”] alone; (#105 vari over #41 duple vari:) although you make me an easy bed, (#104) I still find it hard to sleep; (#41 duple vari:) although you would teach me to use my wits, (#104:) I’d still rather stay dull and stupid. (#104:; #41 duple vari:; #?: [a hint of “Nature” music]) I only need set eyes upon you to recognize evil in all that you do: (#41 duple vari:; #voc?: [Siegfried imitates Mime’s vocal line from “No doubt you’d like some food. I’ll fetch some roast from the spit.”]) when I see you standing. shuffling and

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