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Siegfried: Page 653
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This lends pathos to Wotan’s joy in finding what he takes to be his free hero in Siegfried.

[S.3.2: B]

Wotan and Siegfried now engage in a debate which provides even more material suggesting that Wagner intended us to identify Wotan with Mime, in terms of their respective relationships with Siegfried. Siegfried has now grown weary of Wotan’s questioning and strongly suggests that if the “old man” can’t show him the way to the sleeping woman, then he should get out of the way. Siegfried’s complaint - as he develops it – is accompanied by an increasingly intense variant of #66:


Siegfried: (surprised: #66:; #106?: [or other music which expressed Siegfried’s loneliness after he killed Mime in S.2.3?]; #voc?: [a musical back-reference to Siegfried’s remark: “My woodbird’s flown away; with fluttering flight and sweet-sounding song it showed me the way”?]) Are you laughing at me? No more of your questions, old man; don’t keep me here talking any longer (:#66; :#106?; :#voc? [back reference]). (#66: [definitive!]) If you can show me the way, then tell me: if you’re unable, (#66:) then hold your tongue (:#66)! (#66 [strongly pronounced!])


Wanderer: (#135: [sounding again like #83 with #20a’s harmony?]) Patience, my lad! If you think that I’m old, you should show me respect.


Siegfried: (#105?:) A fine idea! (#107 >>:) As long as I’ve lived an old man has always stood in my way: (#128b?:) now I have swept him aside (:#128b?). (#129b frag:; #104:) If you offer me more of your stiff opposition, take care, I say (with an appropriate gesture) that you don’t share (#104: [more definitive]) Mime’s fate (:#129b frag; :#104)!


(He moves even closer to the Wanderer. #129b varis)


Siegfried: (#voc?: [back reference to Siegfried’s remark: “My woodbird’s flown away; with fluttering flight and sweet-sounding song it showed me the way,” and Siegfried’s “are you laughing at me? no more of your questions, old man … .”?]) Let me see what you look like! Why are you wearing so huge a hat (:#voc? [back reference])? (#66:) Why does it hang down over your face (:#66)?

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