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Twilight of the Gods: Page 790
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Siegfried: (#117 hint?: [a musical figure and a trill associated with Mime?] turning to Hagen: #5 vari: [“Mime’s Servitude Motif”?]; #41:) I’d almost forgotten the treasure, so little I treasure its (#voc?: [in the vocal line of “… barren worth” (i.e. “… muess’ges Gut!”), Siegfried sings several high notes reminiscent of #155 & #156, which also sound like Mime’s vocalization of high notes in his S.1.1 #Shambling song, when he offered Siegfried food and drink, which Siegfried disdained?]) barren worth (:#117 hint?; :#5 [“Servitude vari”?]; :#41; :#voc? – [music possibly influenced by Mime?]). (#117?) (#48:) I left it lying inside a cave, (#?: [a musical figure from Mime’s description of fear for Siegfried?]) where a dragon used to guard it (:#48; :#? [Mime’s description of fear?]).


Hagen: (#41:) And did you take nothing from it? (#40 vari; #117?)


Siegfried: (#41; #13, #15, or #16?) this metalwork piece, not knowing its power. (#40 vari)


Hagen: (#41 vari:) I recognize the tarnhelm, the Nibelungs’ (#42? [oscillating chords on “artful”; are they related to the alternating chords or oscillations of “Mime’s Potion Motif,” derived from #122 &/or #123, or merely #43’s oscillating chords?]) artful [“kuenstliches”] device (:#41 vari; :#42 oscillations or Mime’s potion oscillations from #122 or #123?): (#42:) when it covers your head, it serves to change you to any shape (:#42); (#43:) if you want to go to the farthest [“fersten”] spot, it transports you there in a trice (:#43). – (#41) You took nothing else from the hoard?


Siegfried: (#17 [compressed into #19 - a lyrical vari]) A ring.


Hagen: (#150?:; #37 frag?:) You’re keeping it safe (:#150?; :#37 frag?)? (#150)


Siegfried: (tenderly) A glorious woman is keeping it safe. (#149?)


Hagen: (aside: #41 vari:) Bruennhild’ (:#41 vari)!


Gunther: (#155 vari >> :) I want nothing, Siegfried, by way of exchange; I would give mere dross for your jewels if you took all my wealth [“Gut”] in return! I serve you gladly without reward (:#155).

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