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Twilight of the Gods: Page 926
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Wellgunde: (#17/#19 vari:) A golden ring glints upon your finger (:#17/#19 vari)


All Three: (#37:) give that to us (:#37)! (#37?; #? [a figuration which may reference music associated with Loge’s release of Alberich in R.4?])


Siegfried: (#48 >>) A giant dragon I slew for the sake of this ring (:#48?); (#voc?: [is there a musical reference to Siegmund here?]) should I offer it now in exchange for a mangy bear-skin (:#voc? [a Siegmund reference?])? (#175a [&/or #33b?])


Woglinde: (#174b:) Are you so mean?


Wellgunde: (#174b:) So miserly in your dealings?


Flosshilde: (#174c?:) You ought to be openhanded with (#174c:) women.


Siegfried: If I wasted my wealth [“Gut”] on you, my wife would surely chide me (:#174c).


Flosshilde: (#176) I expect she’s strict. (#176)


Wellgunde: I expect she beats you. (#176)


Woglinde: The hero’s already feeling her hand! (They laugh immoderately: 175 [ &/or #33b?])


Siegfried: Laugh as much as you like! (#175>>:) I’ll still leave you to your sorrow: for though you desire the ring, (#175>>:) I’ll never give it to you, you teasers (:#175 [&/or #33b?]).


(The Rhinedaughters have resumed their dance: #174?)


Flosshilde: (#174a/#3:) So handsome (:#174/#3)!


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