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The Ring of the Nibelung
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 (#30b basis of #97; #30b possibly related to #33b)

[See #29 for #30’s dramatic context]


[[#31]] Freia's Optimistic, Grateful Brother “Froh”

The two sources of inspiration for religious faith, for belief in the gods, is fear (Donner’s thunder) and gratitude (Freia’s brother Froh)

(#31 based on #29)

[#31 first heard as Froh and Donner respond to Freia's cries for help to save her from the Giants, who threaten to take her because Wotan has offered her as payment to the Giants for their construction of the gods' abode Valhalla]


“Freia: Help! Save me from these hard-hearted brutes!


Froh: [[ #31 ]]: taking Freia in his arms) To me, Freia! (to Fafner) Get back from her, you bully! Froh protects the fair!"




"Donner: [[ #32ab ]]: Planting himself in the path of both the Giants) Fasolt and Fafner, you've felt my hammer's heavy blow before?"



[[#32ab]] “Donner,” Fearful God of Thunder – Enforcer of the Gods’ Rule (Faith)

The two sources of inspiration for religious faith, for belief in the gods, are fear (Donner’s thunder) and gratitude (Freia’s brother Froh)

(#32b based on #21's Embryo; #32b related to #60 and #62; #32b in same family as #28, #81Ab, part of #83, #96ab, #137, #164, and possibly #115; inversion of #32b related to #47 and #82)

[See #31 for #32's dramatic context]




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