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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#101]] Second Motif of Mime’s Scheming

Representing Mime’s intent to bring up Siegfried, without teaching Siegfried fear, so that Siegfried can kill Fafner and win for Mime Alberich’s Ring and Tarnhelm. Mime represents all that Wotan loathes in his own nature, the hoard of abhorrent self-knowledge which Wotan repressed into his unconscious mind by confessing it to Bruennhilde.

(#101 is based on #36 with #19’s harmony, while #36 in turn is based on #27. #101, #36, and #27 are in the family of motifs which includes #44 and #116)”

Prelude: ([[ #101 ]], #46, #41, #5a over #41, #46 over #5/#41, #46b, #46/#41, 5b/#41, #45/#41, #19 and #19 Varis; #57; #41 over #5b, #41/#5a: “The curtain rises. A cave in the forest. Inside it is a natural forge, with a large set of bellows. At the anvil in front of it sits Mime, busily hammering at a sword.)


Mime: (pausing) Punishing torment! Toil without purpose! (#41>>) The finest sword that I ever forged would have held quite firm in Giants’ hands: (#41>>) but the rascally lad for whom I wrought it bends and snaps it in two as though I’d made some childish trinket!


(Mime ill-humouredly throws the sword down on the anvil, sets his arms akimbo and stares are the ground in thought. [[ #101 ]]; #57 Fragment; #41) One sword there is (#57 Fragment) which he’d never shatter: Nothung’s fragments he’d not defy, (#41; [[ #102? ]]) could I but weld the mighty shards which no art [“Kunst”] of mine can piece together. (#57; #41; #92?) If only I could forge it for that hothead, I’d find a due reward for all my shame! ([[ #101 ]]; #48: He sinks further back, lowering his head in thought.) Fafner the grim-hearted dragon, dwells in the gloomy wood; (#48) with the weight of his fearsome bulk he watches over the Nibelung Hoard there. (#48; [[ #101 ]]; #57 frag) To Siegfried’s childlike strength Fafner would no doubt fall. [[ #101? ]]; #19) The Nibelung’s Ring (#19) he’d win for me. One sword alone befits the deed (#57) and only Nothung serves my grudge [“Neid”], if Siegfried wields it with fell intent: (#20b/#33b Fragment) [[ #102 ]] yet I cannot forge it, Nothung the sword!”

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