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The Ring of the Nibelung
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Mime: (pusillanimously to himself) How can I rid myself of this intruder? (#101) My questions I must couch with care.


(#101: He pulls himself together, as if determined to show strictness.)


Mime: (aloud: #21) As pledge for my hearth, I accept your head: (#112 Fragment) Take care to redeem it with thoughtful reply! [[ #114a ]] Three are the questions I freely ask.


Wanderer: (#96?; #21/#41) Thrice I must hit the mark.”



[[#115]] Former “Power of the Gods,” and future destruction of the Gods

(#115’s motival links uncertain; Cooke describes #115 as a #21 variant based on its inversion, and transformation into a stepwise form; Millington considered it a relative of the Valhalla Motif #20; however, it sounds very like #1 – could it be a #53 variant, with perhaps #20 harmony?)

[Having already asked Wotan rhetorical questions (because Mime already knew their answer) about his knowledge of the earth’s [i.e., Erda’s] Navel-nest [“Erde Nabelnest” – Umbilical Nest], i.e., of black-Alberich’s realm Nibelheim, and of the earth’s [i.e., Erda’s) broad-back, the realm of Giants, Mime now poses his last question to Wotan the Wanderer:]

“Mime: (#41/#17; #101) … now tell me truly, which is the race that dwells on cloud-covered heights?


Wanderer: (#21 vari) On cloud-covered heights, there dwell the gods: (#20a >>) Valhalla is their hall. Light-elves they are; Light-Alberich, Wotan, rules their host. (#2/#53) From the World-Ash’s holiest bough he made himself a shaft: (#21) though the trunk may wither, [[ #115 ]] the spear shall never fail; (#21) with the point of that weapon [[ #115 ]] Wotan governs the world. (#21) [[ #116 ]] Hallowed treaties’ binding runes (#26a?) he whittled into its shaft: [[ #115 ]] he who wields the spear (#21) that Wotan’s fist still spans [[ #115 ]]; #45) holds within his hand control over all the world. (#5?) Before him bowed (#17) the Nibelung Host; (#45) The brood of Giants was tamed by his counsel: [[ #115 ]]; #112) forever they all obey the mighty lord of the spear!


(#21: In an apparently spontaneous gesture he strikes the ground with his spear; a distant role of thunder can be heard, causing Mime to jump violently.)


In T.P.A, a more Definitive version of #115 which heralds the fated burning up of the gods in their hall, Valhalla, is heard:


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