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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[62F-EOC: p. 53]

“… love is a higher power and truth than deity. Love conquers god. It was love to which god sacrificed his divine majesty. (…) As god has renounced himself out of love, so we, out of love, should renounce god… .” [62F-EOC: p. 53]


[63F-EOC: p. 54]

“[Footnote:] The material, the source of suffering, is the universal heart, the common bond of all beings.” [63F-EOC: p. 54]


[64F-EOC: p. 60]

“… out of the heart, … the inward impulse to do good, to live and die for man, … out of the human nature, therefore, as it reveals itself through the heart, has sprung what is best, what is true in Christianity – its essence purified from theological dogmas and contradictions. [64F-EOC: p. 60]


[65F-EOC: p. 63]

“What would man be without feeling? It is the musical power in man. But what would man be without music? Just as man has a musical faculty and feels an inward necessity to breathe out his feelings in song; so, by a like necessity, he in religious sighs and tears streams forth the nature of feeling as an objective, divine nature.” [65F-EOC: p. 63]


[66F-EOC: p. 66]

“… religion is man’s consciousness of himself in his … living totality, in which the identity of self-consciousness exists only as the pregnant, complete unity of I and thou. [66F-EOC: p. 66]


[67F-EOC: p. 66]

“God … is … nothing else than the nature of man withdrawn from the world and concentrated in itself, freed from all worldly ties and entanglements… .” [67F-EOC: p. 66]


[68F-EOC: p. 66-67]

[P. 66] “To be able to be solitary is a sign of character and thinking power. Solitude is the want of the thinker, [P. 67] society the want of the heart. We can think alone, but we can love only with another. In love we are dependent, for it is the need of another being; we are independent only in the solitary act of thought.” [68F-EOC: p. 66-67]




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