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were madness.” [477W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 368]


[478W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 371]

[P. 371] {FEUER} “The condensation of the most varied and extended phenomena, where many members harmonise to produce one, single, definite effect; the perspicuous presentation of such a harmony, which to us remains unseizable without the deepest research and widest experience, and fills us with amazement when beheld, -- in art, which can operate only conformably to certain conditions of time and place, this is to be obtained through nothing save the miraculous. Here in poetic fiction the tremendous chain of connection embracing the most heterogeneous phenomena is condensed to an easily-surveyed bond of fewer links, yet the force and might of the whole great chain is put into these few: and in art this might is miracle.” [478W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 371]


[479W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 372]

[P. 372] {FEUER} “In a favourable event the whole reward of genius in advance of its times could only consist in the exaltation of egoism: deification, -- we deify and worship naught save what is unintelligible to us: what we fully understand we love, declare to be a part of us, our equal. This will be the reward of the individual genius of the future.” [479W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 372]


[480W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 372]

[P. 372] “Birth out of music: Aeschylus

Decadence – Euripides”

[Note: Ellis suggests based on Wolzogen’s comments that this passage may date from 1875-1878] [480W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 372]


[481W-{50-1/51} Opera and Drama: PW Vol. II, p. 74]

[P. 74] {FEUER} “However, as there were only externals to be copied, since the Content of those idioms was doomed to stay the unspoken secret of the master, so necessity commanded that some sort of inner subject, should be sought for them, some subject that, despite its inevitable generality, might afford a pretext for employing those features which pointed so strongly to the particular and individual. This subject was naturally to be found alone beyond the bounds of Music; and this again, for unmixed instrumental-music, could only be within the realm of Phantasy. A programme, reciting the heads of some subject taken from Nature or human Life, was put into the hearer’s hands; and it was left to his imaginative talent to interpret, in keeping with the hint once given, all the musical freaks that one’s unchecked license (Willkuer) might now let loose in motley chaos.” [481W-{50-1/51} Opera and Drama: PW Vol. II, p. 74]

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