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Twilight of the Gods: Page 735
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First Norn: (#53:) What light is gleaming yonder?


Second Norn: (#2:) Is day already dawning (:#53)? (#35 vari [is this slow oscillating figure, which is related to #42, related also to #Mime’s Potion Motif, which is the oscillation at the end of #122 &/or #123? - here it seems to transition into #54?])


Third Norn: (#54?:) Loge’s host burns brightly round the fell (:#54?). ([[ (#@: c or d?) = #3 vari ]] [diminished inversion] Night still reigns (:#35 vari): why don’t we (#87?:) spin (:#87?) and sing (: (#@: c or d?) = #3 vari) [diminished inversion]?


Second Norn: (to the first) #15 vari: [could these alternating chords be those heard just before Siegfried confronts Wotan in S.3.2? - and are they related to the #35 vari oscillations above, or #42?]) If we’re to spin and sing, on what will you stretch the rope (:#15 vari)?


First Norn: (#@: c or d?) = #3 vari; #44/#101 [is this related more to #19 or #36?]) Unwinding a golden rope from around herself and attaching it to a branch of the pine-tree.) (#@: c or d? = #3 vari:) For good or ill ([is there any #4, #17, #19, or #20d here?]) I wind the rope and sing (: (#@: c or d?) = #3 vari). – (#2:; [[ #146: ]]; #19 voc?:) At the world-ash once I wove (:#19 voc?) ((#@: c or d?) = #3 vari:) when, tall and strong, a forest of sacred branches (:#146; :(#@: c or d) = #3 vari) (#20d voc?:) blossomed from its bole (:#20d voc?; (#20d) (#@: c or d?) = #3 vari: [is there any #4 in orch or voc?]) in its cooling shade there plashed a spring, whispering wisdom [“Weisheit”], its ripples ran (:(#@: c or d? = #3 vari): (#20d voc?:) I sang then of sacred things (:#20d voc?). (#20d) – A dauntless god [“ein kuehner Gott”] came to drink at the spring; (#20abc vari:) one of his eyes he paid as toll for all time: (#20d) from the world-ash Wotan broke off a branch; (#21; #19 or #20a?) the shaft of a spear (#21 modified by #115 rhythm:) the mighty god cut from its trunk (:#21 modified by #115 rhythm). - (#97 vari:) In the span of many seasons the wound consumed the wood (:#97 vari); (#53 & #54 [in ornate varis?]) fallow fell the leaves (:#53 & #54), ((#@: c or d?) = #3 vari:) barren, the tree grew rotten (:(#@: c or d?) = #3 vari): (#53:) sadly the well-spring’s drink ran dry (:#53); the sense of my singing grew troubled. (#146 [in this definitive form does #146 contain #20a or #19 harmony?) ((#@: c or d?) = #3 vari:) But if I no longer weave by the

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